Friday, April 5, 2013

In No Time

Baby crib with flower pattern
Get used to these bars kid!

Dear Daddy,

I love my new bed! This crib thing has way more room than the swing. I can roll around all over the place. Why didn't you think of this sooner?

Your Son

Dear Son,

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 makes it clear that God has a time for all things. I can't begin to comprehend this timing but not trusting in it has caused you, Mommy and me lots of unnecessary grief.

For instance, I'll bet you didn't know that Mommy and I waited over seven years of our marriage for you. We got so angry at the world and even God because we were like impatient little children, we wanted what we wanted when we wanted it.

But God picked the exact right time to bring you along. If I had known how amazing you'd be, I would gladly have waited in silence. You were definitely worth waiting a lifetime for.

The same timing was at work with your crib sleep. You see, we DID TRY to put you there weeks ago. But just like your Mommy and I weren't ready for you to come any sooner, you were not ready for that big bed. It wasn't time yet.

We get so wrapped up in trying to make things happen instead of looking and listening to the signs of readiness that we end up banging our heads in frustration. If we could just learn to wait for God to make us ready, then we would find that our efforts to introduce change and growth go much easier.

I hope this a lesson that the three of us can take with us as we move forward. Life is not a competition. There is no race to win as we are all heading to one of two places. We can learn from those that have come before us and even attempt to emulate the good parts. However in the end, if it is not your time for something to happen, then it will not. Plain and simple.

Enjoy your new bed.

Your Father

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