Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holy correlation, Batman!

Dear Carmen,

I cannot wait for you to be able to understand just how cool comic book fiction can be. It can be crap too, but there are many awesome lessons to be learned from the deeds of both hero and villain alike. Such is the way with the Bible as well. Rest assured, there are both within the Good Book. We will discuss their deeds in time. 

For now, I will finish watching Thor, and consider how acting out of pure emotion can lead to downfall. Remember this: before taking any action, always try to step back and give yourself time to see the situation from a place of quiet contemplation, instead of emotion. This will be extremely difficult, and you not always succeed. I have faith in your ability to be less impulsive than your father however. 


Friday, November 29, 2013

Morning Grind

When I wake in early morning,
Babbling, giggling I do hear.
 Like a feather I come creeping
Just to catch you playing there.

 Suddenly, you take a notice
Of my presence at your door.
Then, a smile comes bursting from you
Just as every time before.

I lift you swiftly, fly you higher,
Up above with arms outstretched.
Leaning in, you bring me closer.
With a baby hug I'm blessed!

Next, the kisses. Oh, the kisses!
Drooly,  slobbery, what a mess.
Trade them for a fortune never
Now, it's time to get you dressed.

Laughing, kicking, screeching, singing,
We made the mundane atmosphere
Spring alive with early mornings,
Each and every day this year.