Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Thought I Was Ready - part 2

Dear Daddy,

You said this before:

They say you can't change others and that is true. However, sometimes an interaction or a situation comes along and changes the heart of a person. In turn, this changes the way they view everyone else.

What does that have to do with me?

Your Son

Dear Son,

It means I had a hard heart before you came along. Your mother could not change that, no one could. She was a great buffer for the outside world though.

When I say I had a hard heart, I mean this: people and everything humans did annoyed me beyond belief and I always took the critical view. I never bothered to look past stupid actions to the people behind them. Instead, I was judgmental and harsh on these people. I am using past tense here but this is a current problem and is a work in progress.

Your arrival seems to have drop-kicked my heart though. It is chipping away and this hard exterior. I suddenly view these people through your eyes. Right now, I find myself looking at everyone differently. That is not to say that stupidity is any more okay, not at all. However, I seems to be wanting to give these people a little more benefit of the doubt. I find myself asking why and I think I figured it out.

You see son, you seem to be a terrific judge of character. You smile at just about everyone no matter what they have done in the past. You don't know what they have done or said and it makes no difference to you anyway. This allows you to approach almost every human being with authentic joy and amazement.

I think my change in heart is a subconscious desire to want to be more like that, like you. To find joy in simple things and love in unlikely people. Your heart has not be hardened against the ways of the world and I love that about you. It occurs to me that one of the quickest ways for your view to change is for me to show you a different way. When it comes to this, I do not want to show you a different way. Your way is just fine, better than fine. It is the way a heart should be: open, authentic and accepting.

I've had many years of cynicism indoctrination. My views will not change overnight but I do take a second look at situations and people before comment these days. That doesn't always change the outcome of my word choices though I want it to. I want you to grow up in a home where love is not only given to you but shown how to give to others as well.

One of the many gifts God has instilled in you is the ability to affect the heart of men. I will see that gift cultivated for use in His kingdom. It starts with me. I will be your first test subject.

With love,

Your Father


  1. Shane,
    This is an incredible letter to your son. I am in awe of your raw honesty. Your son is a lucky boy. :)

    1. Thanks, Liz. His arrival really stirred something inside me and these changes are manifesting in outward ways too. I'm glad you like the blog.
