Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Thought I Was Ready - Part 1

Changes ahead sign
The only constant is change.

Dear Daddy,

You mentioned in a previous letter that you waited a long time for me. Does that mean you were ready for me to come along?

Your Son

Dear Son,

We did have to wait a long time for you, seven years to be exact. However, no amount of waiting and preparation can make a person ready for the birth of a child. We might have thought we were but we were not. That is not to say that we were not anticipating your arrival, far from it. We waited like excited children nearing Christmas morning. The present was well worth it too. But how did we prepare?

We obtained every item we could think of ahead of time. We painted your room and we put up that cute monkey border. Bottles, clothes, bedding, dressers and travel gear were all purchased or received as gifts. We were ready. Then, you were born and everything changed.

When I say everything, I mean everything but mostly I am talking about attitudes and relationships. Let's be real, the way we interact with others IS everything.

They say you can't change others and that is true. However, sometimes an interaction or a situation comes along and changes the heart of a person. In turn, this changes the way they view everyone else.

I'll keep this letter short and expound on what I mean in my next letter. You have changed me for the better, little man. You are kind of like John the Baptist in that I believe you have come to prepare me for something new. I'll explain later.

Your Father

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